
OTTAWA, IL, UNITED STATES, August 14, 2024 — The Marter for Congress Campaign has sent the following letter to the Lauren Underwood Campaign, challenging her to a series of debates, beginning at the historic Lincoln-Douglas Debate Site located in Illinois’ 14th District. The letter reads:

I, Jim Marter, Republican candidate for Illinois 14th Congressional District, challenge the Hon. Lauren Underwood, Representative in the Congress of the United States of America of the 14th District of Illinois, to a series of seven debates before Election Day.

There are seven Counties represented in the District and I believe strongly that the people of all seven counties of the 14th Congressional District should have an opportunity to hear directly from Democratic Congresswoman Lauren Underwood and Republican Nominee Jim Marter, in the form of a public appearance on a comprehensive exchange of policies and contrasts between each candidate, giving all voters a chance to be well informed before they vote.

All Debates shall be in person with both Democratic Rep. Lauren Underwood and Republican Nominee, Jim Marter presenting their positions in person.

The First Debate shall be a LINCOLN/DOUGLAS style debate with no moderator.

The Marter Campaign is in communication with the City of Ottawa, and the Chamber of Commerce of Ottawa, both neutral and non-partisan entities to host the debate at the site of the first Lincoln Douglas Debate in Ottawa, Illinois, which took place on August 21, 1858, within the current 14th Congressional District of Illinois. Each candidate shall have 45 minutes to speak, then a 15-minute rebuttal period shall commence following the second candidate speaking.

Congresswoman Underwood may her choice of first or second position in the Debate. Setup will allow for media coverage and each candidate shall have an opportunity after the debate to speak with the media separately. There will also be a robust security plan in place coordinated with the City of Ottawa and the LaSalle County Sheriff Office. Security recommendations from the Underwood Campaign are welcome.

The Marter for Congress campaign will work with the Underwood Campaign to coordinate for the remaining debates, with the understanding that all debates must be neutral in nature, meaning either Lincoln/Douglas format, which we would welcome for all seven debates, or that moderators shall be chosen by each candidate for all debates, whereas each campaign has one moderator per debate (2 per debate), or we alternate the moderators chosen from one debate to the next. I and the people of Illinois’ 14th District strongly believe in fairness and equality; therefore, a balance of neutrality and fairness must be maintained in all debates.

I firmly believe that a rigorous debate sets our nation apart and has kept us FREE for two-hundred and forty-eight years. I believe in FREEDOM, as did our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, who at the conclusion of his Gettysburg address, regarded the sacrifice of those who died, shall not have died in vain, “…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1863.

I welcome and look forward to a response from Representative Lauren Underwood.

Jim Marter
Republican Nominee for US CONGRESS in the 14th Congressional District of Illinois