
Democrat Congressman Jamaal Boman came under intense criticism when the media reported his comments about the treatment of female hostages by Hamas. According to Politico, “In the weeks after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, Rep. Jamaal Bowman not only publicly cast doubt on reports that Israeli women were raped, but also called those accusations ‘propaganda.’”

Jim Marter, Republican nominee for US Congress in Illinois’ 14th District, called on Democrat opponent, Lauren Underwood to let her constituents know where she stands.

“Representatives need to be transparent and accountable. We are talking about terrorism and anti-Semitism. I believe the hostages. My opponent remains silent. She has been silent about Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and dangerous rhetoric from Rep. Jaypal, calling Israel a ‘racist state’ and Ilhan Omar who compared the U.S. and Israel, to Hamas. These behaviors embolden terrorists,” said Marter.

“Illinois’ 14th District deserves a representative who knows the difference between an ally and a terrorist organization. Right now, we do not have one. I will always condemn antisemitism, bigotry, and discrimination of all kinds. It is time the people of Illinois’ 14th District have their values represented once again in Washington.”

The vote on HR798 passed with votes as follows: YEA: 396 NAY: 23 Not Voting: 0 Absent: 14. The resolution was proposed as a condemnation of anti-Semitism on college campuses. Underwood voted against it. Almost two dozen Democrats joined the Republicans in voting to censure Rashida Tlaib over blaming Israel for the attack on a Gaza hospital, in spite of Newsweek and other sources reporting that U.S. intelligence had cleared Israel of any wrongdoing. Rep. Underwood was not among them.

Jim Marter is the 2024 Republican Nominee for US Congress (IL-14) to replace Democrat Lauren Underwood for Illinois’ 14th Congressional District. More information about his campaign, his stances on the issues and ways to get involved, may be found at www.marter4congress.us.

For interviews, contact [email protected] or call 847-970-1409.